Rebust the Rust
by Russ Knize on Jul.12, 2016, under Flight Training
Between work ramping up to a deadline and preparing for the written test, I took a month off of flying. I probably should have squeezed a solo in there somewhere so keep my skills up, but that didn’t happen. I managed a 92% on the written test, and it is nice to have that behind me. Since I hadn’t flown in a month, my instructor went up with me for a couple of laps to shake the rust off. Made a couple of dumb mistakes with ATC, but went fine otherwise. Flew solo after that, but the airport was so busy that I only got 3 laps in before calling it quits.
I went up again a few days later for some more practice, but again it was very busy. It’s good to have practice with ATC procedures, but I also need to practice things like short field take offs and soft field landings. They don’t like having small aircraft linger on the runway when they are squeezing us between small jet traffic. I think I’ll need to head to a different airport for that.