Solo Cross Country
by Russ Knize on Aug.22, 2016, under Flight Training
After several weeks of bad weather, I was finally able to fly my first cross country solo. Flew to UES and back. It was an uneventful flight, which is exactly what I was hoping for. The weather was great and everything went pretty much to plan. The only snafu was as I returned to PWK, the winds from east were strengthening and I ended up pretty far east of the airport even though I was flying the flight plan. I was correcting my heading as I came south, but when I made the turn over Lake Zurich, I needed to correct even more and ended up getting pushed east. I eventually figured it out.
November 7th, 2016 on 1:05 pm
Hey, just figured I’d google your tail number since it was posted on Reddit. Thought you may be interested in the website. Not sure if you were flying it, or someone else, but either way pretty cool. I look forward to flying with you sometime!
November 7th, 2016 on 1:52 pm
Hah, very cool. Thanks for the pointer. I do fly that plane often, but that wasn’t me. Someone was having fun, though!